been a while since I have posted anything
Above is a picture of the Groveland station, I copied this from a facebook pace, I believe the contributor was Jane Schryver.

Mt. Morris Station
I did not know a station with the same design as mine existed in Mt. Morris, but apparently it did because I bought a post card of it on...

Campbell Station
I have read that the Campbell station burned down some time after 1988, If you visit Scott Lawrence's web site dedicated to the " Pagoda...

Cohocton DL&W Station
I copied this picture from one listed on EBAY, I cropped it to minimize the water marking from the image seller. So if you re the...

Next Station along the line
My fascination with the D L&W railroad has grown over the years, a web site dedicated to the " Pagoda Style" rail depots of the D L & W...

Photos from 1987
The family who owned the Atlanta Depot before me was Mr. & Mrs. Max Wilkins, I never met the Wilkins, I met their son at the Auction and...

I keep an eye out for anything related to the Atlanta NY Depot. and while surfing EBAY I found some slides from September 1985 and some...

A New Roof!
Keep a good roof on a building and it will endure. Water damage is the biggest problem with the big overhangs. Metal? The choice is one...

One side down, three to go
How does an ant eat an elephant? one bite at a time! slow and steady wins the race, lots of things go through your mind when your...

Scraping & Painting
Sweat equity someone called it, the joy of ownership. Although this year has been exceptionally rainy I have tried to find time to get a...