Sunday's in Atlanta
I have made a commitment to spending time each Sunday, (except when the Mrs. has other plans for me) in Atlanta working on the Depot. I...

Not again!
I received a call from my neighbor Gary Clark on March 30, who was reluctant to tell me there had been some vandalism or a break in at...

one more post card
I first saw a copy of this postcard in the archives of the Lehigh Valley Historical society. I also found a copy on the University of...

From the Railroad Station Planbook
This is a scan of pages 12 & 13 of the Railroad Station Planbook. The credit given in the book was to :Drawing: Harold W Russell Jr. and...

A postcard from a different angle
A postcard from the Albertype co. Brooklyn NY. No doubt from before electricity, Note the Crossing Guard, the Crossing Shanty and...

My latest photo
Not a post card but a similar sized photo of the Atlanta NY depot, found just a few weeks ago on Ebay. This photo was taken July 1977...

Even more postcards
Much like a colored newspaper ad I believe the color was added to this postcard to make it more attractive. The copy I have has a smudged...

Postcards from the past
Pictures and postcards displayed on this sight are scans of items I possess, they are here to be shared with the world. This is the first...

Auction Frenzy
I contacted the auction company and asked when I could get a look inside, I made time to drive down and walk through the structure. I was...