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Photos from 1987

The family who owned the Atlanta Depot before me was Mr. & Mrs. Max Wilkins, I never met the Wilkins, I met their son at the Auction and spoke with him on the phone before to ask some questions. I am told that Max was a car dealer from Wayland, he was an antique auto enthusiast and had bought the Station as an investment and to have a place to keep things. I have also been told he kept antique cars at the Depot.

Well I don't know about that, I am finding it puzzling how he would get the cars inside, unless they were very small antique cars or European sports cars, there is no door large enough to have accommodated them.

Now Antiques, sure, there were plenty at the Auction when I purchased the Depot. The following pictures I have converted from 35 mm slides, among the recent EBAY purchase which included the pictures I have posted which were labeled 1987

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