A fresh new look!
One thing I wanted to do this year was get some paint on the important sides. I was concerned I would run out of warm weather since fall seems to come so quickly these days. however I have had some help from my daughter and her boy friend. Hannah, Jonas and I have begun the tedious task of scraping off years of old paint and putting on a couple of new coats.

Along the way I am replacing or repairing the wood as we go, I have removed a number of non matching batten strips, and installed strips I had made to duplicate the originals, I was fortunate to have a number of long strips and the removed sections that were still usable I have used to piece in where needed. After our second visit just a few still need attention. I have one window sill that is so badly deteriorated, I will have to replace the entire sill.

After putting a good solid coat on I feel i am just a bit too bright on the green, back another time for a deeper shade.